Il grande giorno è arrivato. Kate Middleton (ribattezzata dalla stampa inglese "Waitie Katie" e "Kate Middleclass") poco fa sposato l'erede al trono d'Inghilterra, il principe William. Di questo che è stato definito il matrimonio del secolo si continua a parlare, e non sono mancate le polemiche: in particolare in relazione ai millenovecento invitati, dei quali solo seicento potranno partecipare al rinfresco (gli altri hanno potuto seguire solo la cerimonia in chiesa e questo ha generato imbarazzi e malumori tra molte teste coronate), e ai grandi esclusi: Gordon Brow, Tony Blair e Sarah Ferguson.
Nulla si è saputo invece dell'abito della sposa... Piccole indiscrezioni ma nessuna conferma... Fino ad oggi. Eccolo qui finalmente; lo firma Sarah Burton per la Maison Alexander McQueen: abito avorio, in pizzo (Chantilly francese e Cluny inglese) lavorato a mano, con leggera scollatura e strascico di due metri e mezzo. Ricorda molto l'abito con cui Grace Kelly sposò il principe Ranieri nel 1956.
The big day has arrived. Kate Middleton (renamed by the British press "Waitie Katie" and "Kate Middleclass") this morning married the heir to the throne of England, Prince William. This has been called the wedding of the century, and everybody is still speaking about it, also because of some controversies: in particular in relation to the one thousand nine hundred guests, of which only six hundred can participate to the party (the others could only follow the church ceremony and this has led to embarrassment and resentment among many crowned heads), and large excluded: Gordon Brow, Tony Blair and Sarah Ferguson.
Nothing instead has been heard about the Bride's dress... Just small rumors but no confirmation... Until now. Here it is finally; the designer is Sarah Burton, for the Alexander McQueen Maison: ivory gown, delicate lace sleeves (French Chantilly combined with English Cluny) all handmade, and a slight trail of eight feet. Very reminiscent of the dress in which Grace Kelly married Prince Ranieri in 1956.
Nothing instead has been heard about the Bride's dress... Just small rumors but no confirmation... Until now. Here it is finally; the designer is Sarah Burton, for the Alexander McQueen Maison: ivory gown, delicate lace sleeves (French Chantilly combined with English Cluny) all handmade, and a slight trail of eight feet. Very reminiscent of the dress in which Grace Kelly married Prince Ranieri in 1956.
Trova le differenze... William&Kate-Ranieri&Grace:
Find the differences... William&Kate-Ranieri&Grace:
La Maison McQueen ha saputo mantenere il più stretto riserbo al riguardo (inizialmente ha addirittura smentito di essere coinvolta).
Molti sono stati i designer cui è stato chiesto di disegnare un bozzetto dell'abito da sposa, eccone alcuni:
The McQueen house was able to maintain the strictest confidentiality in this regard (even initially denied his involvement).
Many were the designers who were asked to draw a sketch of bride dress, here are some:
Many were the designers who were asked to draw a sketch of bride dress, here are some: